Item is a history of the Edmonton Schoolboys’ Band. It appears to be the text used in one section of the 1958 EPSB Annual Report. It also appears to be a draft copy with handwritten corrections. Of note is an error on the second page indicating that the King and Queen visited Edmonton in 1937 when, in fact, they visited in 1939.
Item is a certificate awarding Cromdale School and Miss Velva Hueston, second place in the competition for folk dancing, Grade V and VI, in the Alberta Musical Competition Festival.
Item is a certificate awarding Cromdale School second place in the Class-Room Sight Singing, Grade VII competition in the Alberta Musical Competition Festival.
Item is a certificate awarding Cromdale School, Room 8, first place in the Class-Room Competitions, Grade VI, in the Alberta Musical Competition Festival.
Item is a booklet describing the Edmonton Public Schools Symphonic Band’s trip to Cardiff, Wales. It includes a biography of conductor R. Lee Holmes, photographs of the band members, and the trip itinerary.
Item is an 8 mm film of the Edmonton Schoolboys' Band on the train, on parade in Vancouver and in Revelstoke and of the Band members aboard a small ship. No audio on film.
Item consists of photocopies of newspaper articles about the Edmonton Schoolboys' Band. Clippings accumulated by T.V. and Elsie Newlove. Articles photocopied by donor.
Item is a concert program from the performance of the Edmonton Schoolboys' Band and the Mountview High School Band at S.J. Willis Junior High School in Victoria, British Columbia. The bandmasters were T.V. Newlove and H. Denike.
Item consists of two identical copies of the program for the second annual Edmonton Public Schools concert held at McDougall Auditorium. J. Norman Eagleson, the Supervisor of Music, was the Conductor of the Chorus.
Item is a program for the Annual Night of Music. It lists the orchestras, bands and choirs from within Edmonton Public Schools participating but does not list the student participants.
Item is a photocopied programme of the comic operetta presented by the King Edward Intermediate School at the Garneau Auditorium. Miss L. Parnell was the director. The programme includes the cast of characters as well as advertisements from local businesses.
Item is a certificate awarding Cromdale School first place in the annual competition for Choral Speaking, Grade VIII, in the Edmonton District Musical Competition Festival.
Item is a certificate awarding Cromdale School, E. Johnson, second place in the annual competition for School Sight Singing, Grade VI, in the Edmonton District Musical Competition Festival.
Item is a certificate awarding Cromdale School second place in the annual competition for Folk Dancing, Grades V and VI, in the Edmonton District Musical Competition Festival.
Item is a scrapbook pertaining to the music program at Hardisty School. It includes programmes, newspaper clippings, newsletters, correspondence, lists of students and their instrument assignments, notices to parents, award ribbons, adjudication reports from the Kiwanis Music Festival and posters. It also includes a photograph of the student stage band ca. 1972.
Series contains documents pertaining to the administrative activities of Edmonton Public Schools departments, schools, Trustees, and committees. Series contains inactive files that were closed in June 1971 and sent to the vault for storage. Files are arranged numerically by the original file number assigned by creator.
Series contains correspondence pertaining to administrative activities of Edmonton Public Schools as well as trustees' acceptance and resignation letters.
Item is an 8 mm film of the Edmonton Schoolboys' Band on parade in Banff, Penticton and possibly Vancouver. Images are of the Band members on a small ship and on parade performing. No audio on film.
Item is a book of sheet music, which includes musical scores with lyrics, guitar chords and a history of the melodies. Black and white photographs of Canada are included throughout. The front cover is stamped with "Music Library Edmonton Public School Board".
Item consists of correspondence, choir programs, sheet music and notes relating to after-school music lessons. The hand-written note describing music instructor Mrs. Mary E. Luck was written by George Luck.
Item is a programme for the Annual Night of Music held at the Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium. Various choirs, orchestras and bands from within Edmonton Public Schools are included.
Item consists of the Alberta Department of Education elementary school music curriculum guide. It includes both the methods and rationale of the music program.
Item is the concert programme of the 46th presentation of the Edmonton Schoolboys' Band. The band was under the direction of T. V. Newlove. It lists the pieces performed and the members of the junior and senior bands.
Item is the concert programme of the 42nd presentation of the Edmonton Schoolboys' Band. The band was under the direction of T. V. Newlove. It lists the pieces performed and the members of the junior and senior bands.
Item is a certificate awarding Cromdale School second place in the Folk Dancing, Public School, Grades VII and VIII competition in the Alberta Musical Competition Festival.
Item is a scrapbook pertaining to the music program at Hardisty School. It includes newsletters, programmes, adjudication reports from the Alberta Musical Competition Festival, posters, newspaper clippings, award ribbons, lists of students and notices to parents. It also includes photographs of Mr. R. B. Cockell, Mr. W.A. Bell and a teacher conducting a band class. An article dated 02 Feb 1976 is tucked into back cover.
Series reflects administrative activities of Strathcona School District No. 216. Although chiefly financial and staffing issues, opening of new schools, amalgamation with Edmonton School District No. 7, Inspector's Reports, correspondence with University of Alberta, Association of School Trustees of Alberta and Department of Education is also included. Of note is a letter from Lieutenant Governor Bulyea regarding the opening of Strathcona Collegiate Institute. Compiled by the Secretary-Treasurer, files are arranged chronologically. Correspondence of a related subject often glued together. The top document reflects the chronological date within the file but often much earlier documents are attached.
Item is an 8 mm film of the Edmonton Schoolboys' Band on parade in Kelowna in 1961, and in Banff and Kelowna in 1963 and with the Canadian Band Association. Images of the Newlove homestead and other home movies included. No audio on film.
Item is an 8 mm film of the Edmonton Schoolboys' and on parade in Banff and Kelowna and with the Canadian Band Association. Newlove home movies are included. No audio on film.