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Items are used in a children's game called dibstones. These "dibs" are made from clay.

The term is derived from an old children's game called "dib- stones." Dibstones, or dibs for short, has had many different incarnations over the years, some of which date back to the 17th century. In most versions it closely resembled the game of jacks, often involving tossing up small objects and catching them on the backs of the hands. Other forms of dib- stones were similar to what we generally consider to be the game of marbles.

We do know that, in whatever form it took, dibstones almost always centered on the manipulation of small objects, themselves called "dibstones" or "dibs." These dibs could be anything from pebbles to the small knucklebones of a sheep. It is likely that manipulating dibs in a particular way entitled a player to certain privileges according to the rules of the game.

Bausch and Lomb balopticon

Slide projector, for 4x3 3/4-inch glass slide. Model BC Balopticon. Black japenned tinplate, Lens focus 41/2 inch, focus knob on side of lens mount, lens diameter 7 cm. Leather bellows. Removable lid. Glass light bulb inside body. Power cord, with on/off switch, from underside of body. Air holes on body and lid. Wood slide carrier mounted behind bellows. Series No. 66385.

Indian clubs

Indian clubs, which originated in India, were used for physical education in Edmonton Public Schools.

Indian clubs

Indian clubs, which originated in India, were used for physical education in Edmonton Public Schools.

Nursery Rhyme Cards

Item is a set of 24 flashcards. Each flashcard has a short nursery rhyme with a coloured illustration depicting the nursery rhyme. Questions about the nursery rhyme and accompanying illustration are on verso. Nursery rhymes were used as a literature resource to teach primary reading to students.

Confederation Diamond Jubilee Plaque

Item is a plaque with embossed lettering along the perimeter stating: CONFEDERATION, CANADA, OUR COUNTRY, 1867-1927. Embossed in the centre is the arms of Canada, as in use in 1927, and embossed over the remainder is a design of maple leaves and stems. Plaques such as this one were given to most schools in the Dominion of Canada in 1927.

Confederation Diamond Jubilee Plaque

Item is a plaque with embossed lettering along the perimeter stating: CONFEDERATION, CANADA, OUR COUNTRY, 1867-1927. Embossed in the centre is the arms of Canada, as in use in 1927, and embossed over the remainder is a design of maple leaves and stems. Plaques such as this one were given to most schools in the Dominion of Canada in 1927.

Fort Edmonton, 1867

Item is a print from the painting by Lorne Bouchard, R.C.A. Item was used to decorate Trustee's Offices in the Edmonton Public Schools Administration Building, 10010 - 107A Avenue.

Wall hanging

Item is burlap with children's drawings embroidered in wool. Item was located in reception area of Superintendent's Office.


Item is a print of an original by Franklin Arbuckle. Print made by Sampson-Matthews Ltd., Toronto.

Coastal Scene

Item is a print of an original by J.D. Hallam. Print made by Sampson-Matthews Ltd., Toronto.

Geese in Flight

Item is a print of an original by unknown Artist. Print made by Sampson-Matthews Ltd., Toronto.

Results 1 to 50 of 165