Showing 483 results

Authority record

Edmonton Teachers' Wives' Association

  • EPSAM-0025
  • Corporate body
  • 1954-1984

The Edmonton Teachers’ Wives’ Association was formed in March 1954 and dissolved in 1984. The purpose of the club was to develop a friendly spirit among teachers’ wives, especially those new to the city. Membership was open to wives of teachers and supervisors employed by the Edmonton Public and Edmonton Separate School Boards, wives of retired teachers and retired supervisors, and widows of teachers and supervisors. Meetings were held monthly, October through May inclusively, in the form of a supper meeting. Additional social events took place throughout the year. The administrative body of the Edmonton Teachers’ Wives’ Association consisted of an Executive Committee made up of: President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Social Convener, Program Convener, Publicity Convener, and Nominative Convener. A Constitution which expressed the purpose of the organization and detailed the duties of the executive was created in 1954 and amended annually. By 1983 membership in the organization had dwindled and the organization was disbanded the following year.

G. Guidon

  • EPSAM-0144
  • Person


Great Western Garment Company

  • EPSAM-0195
  • Corporate body
  • 1911 - 2004

Established January 30, 1911 in Edmonton AB. The plant closed in March 2004.

Strathcona School District No. 216

  • EPSAM-0018
  • Corporate body
  • 1903-1912

The South Edmonton School District No. 216 was formed in 1892 to serve residents in the Strathcona District south of Edmonton. The district name was changed in 1899 to Strathcona School District No. 216. The District amalgamated with Edmonton School District No. 7 in 1912.

North Edmonton School District No. 2305

  • EPSAM-0020
  • Corporate body
  • 1910-1913

The North Edmonton School District No. 2305 was established in November 1910. The district amalgamated with the Edmonton School District No. 7 in 1912.

James McCaig

  • EPSAM-0026
  • Person
  • Superintendent 1906-1913

James McCaig is the first Superintendent of Edmonton Public Schools. McCaig served from July 20, 1906 to October 31, 1913. Ten permanent schools were built during the seven years that he served and five more were nearing completion at the time of his resignation. Superintendent McCaig was a progressive thinker in terms of educational philosophy. He stated that “The ultimate end of school work is character building”. He proposed expanded household science, music, and physical education classes in the belief that a richer curriculum would help keep pupils in school.

W. Richardson

  • EPSAM-0027
  • Person
  • acting Superintendent Nov-Dec 1913

W. Carpenter

  • EPSAM-0028
  • Person
  • Superintendent 1914-1923

William G. Carpenter is the second Superintendent of Edmonton Public Schools. Carpenter served in this role from 1914 - 1923. At the time of his appointment, Carpenter was principal of Victoria High School. One of his first tasks as superintendent was to introduce a night school program for new Canadians. Throughout the First World War, Carpenter kept in close personal contact with most of the staff members who were serving in the military overseas.

Unlike his predecessor, James McCaig who used a horse-drawn rig for transport, Superintendent Carpenter used his automobile, which he purchased in 1919, when making school visits. In 1921, he applied to the Board to cover the cost of new tires, explaining that he had already spent $143.10 on tire repairs and that he used the car almost entirely for work. His request was denied; however his travel allowance was increased to $35/month.

Mr. Carpenter left his position as Superintendent of Edmonton Public Schools to become principal of the Provincial Institute of Technology and Art in Calgary. He later became Alberta’s Provincial Director of Technical Education.

George McKee

  • EPSAM-0029
  • Person
  • Superintendent 1924-1940

George McKee is the third Superintendent of Edmonton Public Schools. McKee was appointed in 1924. He remained in this capacity for 17 years until his retirement in 1940. Periods of stability, depression and financial cutbacks were experienced during his tenure.

In his first year as Superintendent, McKee participated in opening ceremonies for three new schools: Garneau, Riverdale and Frank Scott (later renamed Eastwood). McKee was well liked by the teachers and remarkably few teachers resigned or left the Division during his time as Superintendent.

Ross Sheppard

  • EPSAM-0030
  • Person
  • Superintendent 1940-1955

Ross Sheppard is the fourth Superintendent of Edmonton Public Schools. During the Sheppard years, the number of permanent schools increased from 30 to 63, student enrolment increased by almost 1,000 students per year, and permanent staff doubled. Teachers' salaries almost doubled from an average annual salary of $2088 in 1940 to $3896 in 1955. Per pupil costs of education increased from $89.19 to $238.25 during the same period.

Ross Sheppard is remembered as a man who tried to maintain close contact with the staff, even to the point of handing out cheques to all the teachers on the last day of June. Sheppard graciously thanked each teacher for his or her efforts during the year and took pride in calling each teacher by name, seldom making a mistake in doing so.

Ross Sheppard High School, built in 1957, was named in Sheppard's honour.

William Wagner

  • EPSAM-0038
  • Person
  • Superintendent 1955-1964

William P. Wagner is the fifth Superintendent of Edmonton Public Schools.

Peter Bargen

  • EPSAM-0039
  • Person
  • Superintendent 1964-1967

Dr. Peter F. Bargen is the sixth Superintendent of Edmonton Public Schools.

Tom Baker

  • EPSAM-0040
  • Person
  • acting Superintendent Jul 1967-Jun 1968

Roland Jones

  • EPSAM-0041
  • Person
  • Superintendent 1968-1972

Dr. Roland W. Jones is the seventh Superintendent of Edmonton Public Schools.

Michael Strembitsky

  • EPSAM-0042
  • Person
  • acting Superintendent Aug-Dec 1972; Superintendent 1973-1994; Secretary-Treasurer 1974-1979

Michael A. Strembitsky is the eighth Superintendent of Edmonton Public Schools.

Angus McBeath

  • EPSAM-0043
  • Person
  • acting Superintendent May-Dec 1994; Superintendent 2001-2005

Angus McBeath is the tenth Superintendent of Edmonton Public Schools.

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